Rugvistas designkonkurrence!


Forget-me-not! af Anton Tersanszki



Forget-me-not flowers are ones of the designers favorite and they always remind him that beautiful things should never be forgotten.
Florile de nu-ma-uita sunt printre florile mele preferate si ele imi amintesc mereu ca lucrurile frumoase nu ar trebui uitate niciodata.

Om Anton Tersanszki

Anton was born on the 28th of July 1985 in Constanta, Romania. He obtained his Bachelor degree in Environmental Engineering at the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, and his Master degree in Management of Natural Resources. He loves nature in all its forms and colors. He feels inspired by everything he sees around him daily, from the beauty of the forest or a sunset, to the design of a building or the emotions produced from listening a song. He always had lots of ideas and made sketches from figments of his imagination. This contest was an opportunity to bring to life a little of what makes him smile.
M-am nascut la 28 iulie 1985 in Constanta, Romania. Am absolvit Universitatea Tehnica din Cluj-Napoca cu specialitatea Ingineria Mediului si am facut un masterat in Managementul Resurselor Naturale. Iubesc natura in toate formele si culorile sale.
Ma simt inspirat de tot ce ma inconjoara in viata de zi cu zi, de la frumusetea padurii sau a unui apus, la design-ul unei cladiri sau la emotiile create de ascultarea unei piese muzicale. Mereu am avut multe idei si am facut schite cu ceea ce-mi plasmuia imaginatia. Acest concurs a fost o oportunitate de a scoate la iveala putin din ceea ce ma face sa zambesc.

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