Rugvistas designkonkurrence!
Deep af Marsela Guga
Deep. Digital painting
Thelle. Pune dixhitale
Om Marsela Guga
Hello,i am Marsela an albanian artist that i have studied at university of fine arts in Tirana. I live in Albania, a small country but with big values. I am a painter, i have knoweledge about graphic design programes and i love colors. Everything around us inspire me, because is important the way you see the things. The technique doesn't matter in my artworks, because the important is what you transmit to the others. We are living in a world sorraunded by comercial and nonsense things, so we all have to give colors to this world.
Pershendetje, une jam Marsela, nje artiste shqiptare qe kam studiuar ne Universitetin e arteve te bukura ne Tirane. Jteoj ne Shqiperi, nje shtet i vogel por me vlera te medha. Une jam piktore, kam njohuri rreth programeve te dizajnit grafik dhe mbi te gjitha dashuroj ngjyrat. Gjithcka qe na rrethon eshte frymezim per mua, sepse e rendesishme eshte menyra se si ne i shohim gjerat. Teknika nuk eshte me e rendesishme ne punet e mija, se sa ajo cka une dua te transmetoj. Ne po jetojme ne nje bote te rrethuar nga komerci dhe gjera pa kuptim, prandaj te gjithe ne duhet ti japim kesaj bote ngjyra.